Babies from about 6 months on through the early preschool years enjoy rhymes and finger play games with parents and other caregivers. They enjoy the rhyming, the rhythm, the repetition, and the song-like tonality. I am sure you remember some favorites from your childhood. Peek-a-boo and the Itsy-Bitsy-Spider are just as fascinating to today’s babies. Below are some examples, and videos to go with them, so get ready to remember, act silly and have fun!
So many ways to play and enjoy Peek-A-Boo!
How Big is Baby
A simple game where you say “How big is (child’s name)?” Then in a high voice, you answer, “So big!” while gently putting the baby’s arms up in the air.
Open, Shut Them
This Little Piggy Goes to Market
Two videos below; first is adult instruction, second is a baby loving the game!
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
In both English and Spanish